I asked some friends what I should do for Week 5, and these are a few of the suggestions given to me:
- No games
- No men
- Give up English for a week
- Wake up at 5am every day
- No eye makeup
- Come to Canada
- Only eat what people give me
So I'm considering doing one of them, but I'll go over a little bit of each one. (So yes, today's post is a bit of a long one)
Well, that'd be a challenge for sure, but It'd be a good one. For a while I was in the routine of going to the gym, coming back, getting breakfast and then studying. Then, I got a new game and my attempts to study became half-hearted, at best. I now wake up, go to the gym, get breakfast and play games until it's time to go to work. After work, I eat dinner while playing games, and I often fall asleep with the controller in my hands or the laptop in my bed. the only difficulty that I might have with this challenge is the weekend and maybe Tuesday and Thursday. I've been trying to put in two-a-days and so I ride my bike at home and play video games for an hour. n the weekends, I sit on my bike and play video games, so I'm not sure what I'll do to kill the time. Watching a movie or a TV show isn't interactive enough for me. But I'm sure that my neighbors would like a bit of respite from the random fits of gamer range that surface when I'm spawn killed...
Difficulty: 4. Doable, with just a hint of pain.
I saw this suggestion and died a little (lot) on the inside. I'm really not man-crazy. Honest! It's just that I've found a new...'venue' for meeting people and it's going really well. It has also, however, ruined any and all focus that I've had. My phone is constantly buzzing during work. that's terrible because I'm easily distracted and always tell my students to put their phones away during class. How can I get mad at them for using their phones if I'm checking mine every five seconds? Additionally, I've gotten myself into a bit of trouble. My unscheduled free time is quickly becoming a thing of the past. While I do enjoy having things to do, I'm really bad at turning people down (especially if they're good looking). I'll meet almost anyone once (Don't worry...I'm not stupid...public place, people know where I'm going, they don't come home with me, three drink max...I got ya covered) just for kicks. Almost EVERY weekend in May is spoken for by a different person. If the currently developing situation continues, then I may cancel and regain some freedom, but I hate cancelling on people.
While I'm carrying on about meeting people...
I am generally trusting. Like, 'born yesterday' trusting. With that in mind, I look back at some of the things I've done and thank God that I'm still alive without any major traumatic experiences to speak of.
Example 1
I was a freshman at UT Knoxville, 17 years old. I was going to pick up a pizza and hang out at my friend's dorm room. It was raining (Tennessee rain= sudden torrential downpour) and I didn't have an umbrella, but I was happily walking down the sidewalk with my pizza at about 8-9 at night. A car pulled up next to me and a man said "Hey, do you want a ride?" "Sure". So I hopped in. The guy was probably in his late 20s or so and looked kinda scruffy, but I didn't care. I didn't have to walk in the rain and the pizza would still be hot! So we were driving along and he went past the dorm, even though I'd already told him where I needed to go. "My friend lives back there" "Oh...my bad...just a minute", and he drove on for another 5 minutes or so before he turned around and took me to the dorm. It was a bit strange, I guess, but oh well. **When I told my then-boyfriend about it, he went nuts, giving me a lengthy lecture about how I could have been kidnapped or raped or murdered. I just thought the guy was being nice and offering a ride**
Example 2
I was walking to the radio station for my shift (this time in West Virginia). It was snowing really hard, and I love snow, so I was making snowballs and kicking snow and just being my silly self. A truck pulled up behind me. "Excuse me..." "Yeah", I turned and looked at him. "How old are you?""Me? I'm 20." "Oh, I thought you were 12 or something. You want a ride?" "Okay, thanks!" and I hopped in. I don't remember the exact conversation, but he just kept commenting on how he thought I was a child. I got to the station with no problem. My friend saw me getting out of the truck and I got a lecture from HER about riding in cars with potential child predators.
Back to where we were before! (Yes, I've since stopped getting into vehicles with men I don't know). I think I could do it, but I really don't want to try. I don't wanna!
Difficulty: 10. I'll die before noon on Day 1.
- Give up English for a week
This one is actually kinda (really) interesting. Considering that I live in a different country and the language is not my own, it'd be a challenge for sure. Then again, because of the people I hand out with, most of my conversations are a mix of Korean and English anyways. So, if nothing else, I'd get a chance to work on my speaking and listening. Of course, I'd still be able to speak Korean at work, since I'm an ENGLISH teacher, but other than that, it'd be Korean, Japanese, Spanish, body language (go to a place where you don't know the language and you will become a MASTER of charades) and in two cases, fleeting glances and stupid giggles.
Difficulty: 9. There's a lot of self control required for this one.
"Wake up at 5am to work on your dream." It's a very good idea, and way doable, but can I? I'm an early riser (I'm also a night owl. Sleep and I have always had a "less is more" relationship). I get up around 6:30 every morning, even though work doesn't start until 2pm. With all that extra time, I should be so productive that it hurts. but I'm not. The 5am part isn't so bad, but being productive...therein lies the difficulty. Rumor has it that waking up at early to sit through cut scenes and scream at the TV during boss battles isn't very productive.
Difficulty: 6. 5am, easy. Productivity, not so much.
I'm not a fan of face paint (Makeup), but I do love me some eyeliner. Going a week without it wouldn't be so bad, but perhaps I should "up" it and not wear my contacts for a week. Glasses AND no eye makeup. Shallow, but for me, I hate my glasses. I hate the way I look when I'm wearing them. It's not "cute nerd" or "sexy librarian" it's "70's science teacher".
Difficulty: 2. I'm shallow like that.
No. Friend, I love you. I really do. I love you so much that I'd join your side in a fistfight KNOWING that we'd lose. Going to Canada would be a great change for a week, but I don't have the time or money.
Difficulty: 10. Money.
- Only eat what people give me
Wow...there's a good one. For a week I would be a beggar. She told me that I couldn't eat what's in my house, but only what people give me or what I ask for. That would be a challenge because I love food. I have some friends who've offered to feed me if I do it, but this is more of a pride thing than anything else. I would have to rely on others. I hate doing that and avoid it whenever possible. It would be great for my wallet, though. I probably go through $60-70 a week on groceries, and most of it is fruit, vegetables and meat. I see the stares as I drop 3 chickens, 12 apples and a watermelon into my cart. People think I'm feeding multiple families. Yeah, no. Just me.
Difficulty: 8. I would be hungry because I don't know that I'd be able to force myself to ask for food. I despise being hungry.