Today I had the class of girls. The ones who always ask "teacher, boyfriend?" Last week, they actually tried to set me up with the foreigner English teacher from their school! No. Seriously. I mean they really tried to set me up. Gave me his picture and was talking about how great he is and apparently they've told him all about me *scary thought*. These girls did some serious sleuthing! It probably doesn't help that I'm pretty readable when it comes to what I like and don't like.
I asked them why they think I need a boyfriend. Their collective response?
"Teacher...lonely, I think. Get married. Handsome man. Have baby! I want play with teacher cute baby!" So these contriving little women are only wanting to get me paired up so they can play with my (supposedly cute) baby. Thanks, girls ㅎㅎㅎ A few minutes of fun and pictures for you, a lifetime of responsibility for me.
ANYWAYS, today didn't (and doesn't) feel quite as awkward as yesterday. It was a bit strange having to actually get dressed before I went to to gym, but I'll live. Perhaps I've been a bit...predictable (?) in my choice of clothing. People make a point to say something about I'm wearing. Or maybe it's just a cultural thing. I've had kids get offended when I didn't notice that they cut an inch from their hair or pulled their ponytail higher than usual.
While I'm not complaining about the attention, it's kinda making me wonder: is it really so strange? Am I that grungy all the time? Perhaps I am. I'm only on day two (though technically it's only day 1, thanks to the late start), and I'm noticing some things and picking up on them. Maybe...m-a-y-b-e...perhaps I' know...consider...I don't know...if-ish-y...maybe I should consider thinking about possibly wearing something other than jeans and a hoodie.
Exhibit A: The guy I hung out with over the weekend kinda *really* shocked me. It was cold and windy, so I put my hoodie on. He looked at me and *no joke* took his jacket OFF, gave it to me and said "Take that off. I hate it. Your face too pretty that style. It doesn't match you." I was impressed at his ability to hit on me, behave chivalrously and insult my beloved (albeit ill-fitting) hoodie at the same time.
Exhibit B: Even at the gym, people have noticed the change. As I was getting dressed, one of the old ladies I usually see came up to me and said (all in Korean, of course) "Today you're so pretty." It was nice, but that comment got all the other ajummas ("married women" but usually just a nice way of saying "old lady") talking. "Yes!" "Very beautiful!" "Do you meet your boyfriend today?" "This is good for you." "Are you married?"
I LOVE JEANS AND HOODIES! THEY'RE COMFY AND CONVENIENT AND ALWAYS OKAY! I don't go all People of WalMart or anything, but I am a member of the church of ILoveMeSomeHoodies.
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Day 2. No hoodies allowed |
Teacher, teacher, I declare.....