
January 23, 2013

Week 1- No Mirrors

Here's the Deal: No mirrors for a week

Say What?!
Pretty plain and simple, I guess. No mirrors. No compacts, wall mirrors, bathroom mirrors or anything else. Easy enough...but then you head to the gym and there it is: wall-length mirror running from the ceiling to the floor. You walk down the street and there are car mirrors, big clean windows and mirrors on signs so you can check yourself as you go (welcome to Korea). Then comes the cell phone, with the wonderful "self-portrait" option, the iPod with the reflective screen and the ever present urge to use my glasses.

I'm sick of looking at myself. Well, not really. I'm sick of obsessing. I turned 26 about a month ago and I'm already obsessing over bumps and wrinkles and lines and spots. I spend God only knows how much time poking and prodding and trying to see what's there (and what isn't).

How It's Going
SUCK! So I started on Saturday at midnight. I covered my full-length mirror with a robe and my bathroom mirror with a t-shirt.  By 8am, I wanted to peek, just because, hahaha. Going out without checking a mirror= a lesson in guesswork. Is my hair okay? (Can't see. Don't know. Grabbed a hat. haha) Do I have anything stuck to my face? (Washed it, didn't even CONSIDER putting makeup on, gave it a good rub with a towel). Okay...good to go.
It was hard. I'll admit that I messed up 5 steps out of my apartment. There's a lovely coffee shop...with big clean reflective windows. Couldn't help but take a peek. And there I was, oh wow, same as usual...more to come as the week progresses.

Twelve Weeks to Change

 So I'm a bit late, but better late than never.

Heads up, I write the way I think: off-the-wall, unorganized, in-your-face and with no apologies. I shoot off at the mouth and tend not to mince words. Sugar coating is for candy and fruit, not words.

Now, on to the substance (if you want to call it that).

I wanted to do something different this year, something that I don't do all the time. I tried to lose weight and all that other stuff (not curse, be kind, donate, read books, be a better person, and so on and so forth), but after failing miserably every year, often within the first week, I decided to make a plan. Something that would be easy enough to follow, but hard enough that I would notice a difference.

I am, over the course of the year, going to take one week each month to do something different, something that I wouldn't usually do. It could be as simple as not playing video games, or as involved as spending an hour a day in silence.

I'm not expecting anything big to come out of this, if nothing else, I'd like just to be able to look back and say that "yeah, I did ___".

Still open to suggestions if anyone has any. I'll consider a few.