Sorry guys, I didn’t mean to post this late. I started to write this, and then I got distracted, and then I went to work. But any ways, yesterday was not as bad as I thought it would be.
So on Tuesday night I went out with these guys that I met
online. Well, not actually online, but
through an application on a smart phone.
They were really cool and all, but more importantly: THEY BOUGHT ME
You see, a very beautiful thing about this country (for this
week and because I’m not a man) is that men pay for everything. I’ve offered to pay before, but might guy
friends never let me pay. It’s an honest
offer, though. I really feel uncomfortable
having them pay for me, but dang if it doesn't help when I'm broke! I don’t find it
condescending, if that’s the right word. It’s kind of nice I guess. But anyway, like I was saying, I got to eat
good food and drink and not pay for it.
The guy I’m kinda seeing lets me pay for things. But I know he doesn’t like it. He actually told me that he feels bad about
it. I don’t want him to feel bad. It’s just a cultural thing. While I understand that it is *I’m probably
gonna piss off somebody here* the man’s job to provide, the fact that I want to
help shouldn’t be a burden. When I see
him, I do sometimes pay for meals, and we go back and forth on transit costs. But it’s OK.
I work, I have a job. He's still
a student (and studying law, at that). I don’t like that there’s a
sense of shame in having your woman pay for stuff. That’s not OK. But enough about that, back to the food.
I did cheat yesterday.
It was very small, but a necessary evil. I haven’t been feeling well, actually that’s
an understatement. I am all kinds of
messed up right now. I feel like that
dorky kid in school who had a fanny pack full of creams and pills. No really, I do. I had curry for breakfast, which was
fine. But then I went to the doctor, and
Why is it that whenever you have an embarrassing problem or
some other issue that you don’t want people to know about, that’s when you see
every one you want to avoid? No,
REALLY?!? No joke, I really want to
know. Some time ago I had scabies. I was in college, and according to my doctor I
probably got it from using the towels provided by the gym. So, I got a prescription for some cream. The pharmacist obviously knows what it’s
for. And dang if he wasn't a gorgeous piece of
man. *facepalm* See, I learned my
lesson from that, and now I check to see before I hand it over… That didn’t help me yesterday. I walked in and saw a woman, that was
fine. I wouldn’t care if she was a
supermodel, because she’s a woman. So I
handed her my prescription and sat down.
My face went a million shades of red when, much to my chagrin, freaking
Adonis walked out from behind the medicine rack and called my name. I know I’m not there to get a date, but still. THAT’S NOT THE POINT!!!! The point is…just…AUGH!! If he was ugly or old I wouldn’t have
cared. But there are some things that
you just don’t want good looking people to associate you with.
But yeah, so I took the medicine, and it was powerful stuff. The room was spinning and when I stood up
during class I hit the floor.
Apparently, a banana does not suffice when you’re supposed to “take with
food”. So I bought ice cream for my
kids, bought myself a pack of crackers, ate two, and no longer felt quite as
close to death. In my defense, I gave
the remaining 10 crackers to students in the next class.
My boss also mentioned that I’m eating more. I usually eat a lot, but I don’t eat a lot of
rice. Usually my rice bowl is ¼ full. But this week, I’ve been going back for
seconds. Hahaha.
I’m getting kind of stir crazy; this week is a perfect storm
of sorts. My wrist is still in a splint,
so I can’t work out. My body is
revolting against me, so I have a box full of medicine. I am not buying myself food this week, so I
can’t mindlessly stuff my face. So, I am
lazy, sedentary, drugged up, rationing and it’s just not working out for me.
I know, I'm all over the place today. Sorry.
In the middle of work yesterday, I really wanted a
sandwich. No, I R-E-A-L-L-Y wanted a
sandwich. I don’t even like sandwiches, I
just wanted one. I think it was because
I couldn’t buy one. Seriously, it’s like
the moment you can’t have something you want it. It’s the only thing you want, it’s all you
can see. And then once you have it, it’s
like “what was the big deal?” That’s how I feel about my sandwich. It was teasing me yesterday. The kids were picking out ice cream, and that
sandwich was just staring at me. It
probably doesn’t even taste good. But it
was taunting me something awful. Stupid
Today is Thursday; I have four full days left. Let’s see how it goes…
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