
June 5, 2013

Week 6 Already?!

Week 6? Hot dang I'm already halfway through the year. Anyways, I'm trying to figure out what to do...

But before I get into that, a not-so-quick note on what I'm NOT going to do:

  • Encourage someone everyday
  • Say something kind to someone everyday
  • Apologize to someone everyday

On the surface, I'm sure they all look like pretty harmless, if not downright beneficial, ideas. But think about it: for me to do any of those things as a week-long challenge would be like giving a kid a gold star because they did their homework. Why reward someone for something they're supposed to be doing, anyway? And THAT is why I won't do it. Whether or not I'm currently doing those things (or at least,doing them when I should) is beside the point. The fact is, encouraging someone shouldn't be a weekly challenge. Being kind shouldn't be a challenge (though for me, more often than not it is, because I'm more of a 'speak first, think later, don't backtrack' type of person) favorite thing to do...NOT. I'll do it if I have to. I can, in the last year, think of ONE time when I apologized because I absolutely had to.  I was having dreams about this isht. No joke. It was messing with my sleep and pissing me off all kinds of bad. So I picked up the phone, swallowed my pride (choking quite a bit in the process) and said "Hey, I'm sorry." Looking back, it was kind of (really) a waste, because nothing changed. But hey, I said my peace and did my bit.  Additionally, if I've got to apologize to someone EVERYDAY for a week, that's a lot of screwing up. Seven DIFFERENT apologies to seven DIFFERENT people? Yeah, no. Unless I get to plan it...but then it wouldn't really be an apology as much as an admission of intent. Could be fun, though...
*Punch an idiot* "Sorry I broke your nose."
*Tell a few kids what I really think about Korean* "Sorry I called you a waste of time and energy and suggested that the money your parents spend on this academy would be better spent on a selection of things to beat you with."
*Stank-Eye an old lady when she tries to cut in front of me in line* "Sorry I'm not Korean and won't politely stand by as you attempt to push your way in front of me even though I'm obviously in line. MOVE TO THE BACK!"
Yes, yes, yes...I could definitely have fun with that one. Although doing all that would defeat the purpose.

Again, a friend suggested giving up men. A different friend than in May, but the same suggestion. (Really now, I'm not man-crazy. I just have a very healthy appreciation for *very* good-looking members of the opposite sex) That's not going to happen. For a while, it would have been a good (albeit painfully difficult) week, but it's no longer necessary. I'm sorta kinda *really* stuck on just one for now. And yes, it's disgusting. The high-pitched squealing, rainbow farting, glitter puking unicorn takes over whenever his name pops up on caller ID (as evidenced by my prancing out of the bar like a fairy on Speed to answer the phone).

On to what I AM considering:

Carry my Bible with me EVERYWHERE I go
I considered it, but logistically it's way left field. I'm not taking it to the bathroom or carrying it around between sets at the gym. If I had a pocket copy, perhaps. But seeing as how I don't (I've got a nice full-sized one, complete with a case), I'll pass on that option. Then I thought to myself "well, I have one on my phone!" But there's nothing different about that, then. I tend to keep my phone on me most of the time anyways.

Call someone I haven't talked to recently
 Ah ha. NOW we're onto something. I really don't like calling people. I hate it, hate it, hate it! I used to not mind, but somewhere between my junior year of college and graduation, I picked up this almost..."fear"...of calling people. I know exactly where it's from, too (thanks, JerkFace). I had to call a friend of mine once. I'd never called him even though we'd been hanging out and getting into all kinds of trouble together for 3+ years. I finally did it and thanked God when he didn't answer. I like sending text messages or using chatting applications. They're much easier, but calling someone just seems more personal. So this one's a maybe. Seems like a good way to reconnect with some otherwise far away people.

Spend at least 15 minutes in silence (or as close to silence as possible)
This one actually kind of scares me. I don't like quiet. I don't like silence. I need noise and constant stimulation. I can't even fall asleep unless the TV is on or something is playing on my laptop.  I know that it's all part of avoiding the silence, because I can't stand it. When it's quiet, I think and reflect and contemplate and make myself all kinds of uncomfortable. But then again, perhaps a bit of silence would do me some good. I've got a lot going on in my (apparently rather small) head, perhaps I could get some good out of the silence and figure some things out...

1 comment:

  1. Try the reflection and meditation. Silence can be golden.
