So, here we are at Week 6 already. Wow. This is going much more quickly than I'd originally thought it would.
Anyways, after the train wreck that was last week, I'm going to go with adding silence to my day for Week Six.
Here's the Deal
Wednesday morning, (Yes, I'm starting in the middle of the week), I'm going to spend at least 15 minutes a day in silence doing as close to nothing as I possibly can. Sleeping doesn't count, and it wouldn't anyways because I don't sleep in silence. The TV has to be on. When it goes off, I wake up and turn it back on or else I can't sleep.
Say What?!
Yep. I'm gonna try to do nothing for 15 minutes. No talking, background music, TV or computer games. I won't use the time to study or clean, either. ( Yeah, right.) But before you call it a colossal misappropriation of time, let me say this: it's only 15 minutes. How much more time do you spend each week doing things that are just as productive? Playing with your phone. Checking Facebook. Channel surfing, only to turn the TV off in the end because there's "nothing good on"...
Because silence and I are mere steps from being mortal enemies. I hate quiet almost as much as hate sitting and doing nothing. But perhaps a little slow down and stop will do me some good (ugh, I feel dirty having written that >_<). What really made me come up with this is that I can honestly say that I need some time to think. I avoid deep introspective thought as much as I can, because rarely if ever does anything good come from it. But after having a painfully emotion-filled Wednesday ( wasn't pretty, there was lots of eye water), I can easily say that I really need to take a step back. Most people would just say they need some 'me time'. I don't have children or a spouse, so I don't really get the whole concept. My 'me time' usually consists of blowing things up onscreen and gamer raging until I can't remember why I started playing in the first place. I am a MASTER of distraction. So this will be a rough week. Not because of physical pain, but because I can think of at least a few things that will likely come up and I'll have no choice but to take them on. With that said, to my readers who believe (and for those who don't): pray that I make it through this week and come out at a better point (or at one that's not too much lower)
Think of it as D E A R time. Drop Everything And Read... with one exception you will not be reading anything at all spend the time in silence >_<