
November 22, 2013

Week 11- Let It Go

I didn't forget about you, and I haven't died (yet).   I have had the most ridiculous month, and I'd rather not re-live it. In fact, I'd like to pretend that November never happened.

No, there wasn't anything particularly awful that happened (though I did find myself several drinks beyond "done" more than a few times). It's more that this month was a waste. I was waking up at 10am, not getting out of bed until five minutes before I was supposed to BE at work. Then I'd go home and flop on the sofa until 1am or the pills kicked in, whatever came first.

I'd actually thought about doing this for a while, but it seems that with "Thanksgiving" coming around it makes more sense. What am I talking about? It's quite simple, actually...

Here's the Deal
I'm going to get rid of 1/4 of my belongings. (clothes, shoes, dishes and so on)

Say What?!
Yes, you read that correctly. One-fourth. A Quarter. 25%. One-in-four.
It seems like a lot, but it really isn't.

Because I have a an apartment full of isht PLUS a fully-stocked room in the United States AND stuff in a storage unit.

Because of the 14+ shirts I own, I wear a steady rotation of six or seven.

Because I need to start letting isht go. I pride myself on doing what I want, when I want with no apologies. But I can't do that with an apartment full of stuff.

It's November, (for me) the holidays have officially started. Thanksgiving, my birthday (it's a holiday...look it up. It's called "KiteGirl Founding Day aka The Day the Earth Went Off the Awesome Scale"), Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, New Year's Day....

Usually we say "I'm thankful for XXX" It's usually friends, family, a house, a car, a job...blah blah blah blah. I'm thankful for all of those things, but I guess this year I'm also thankful that I am finally starting to get okay with getting rid of stuff. (I'll detail this more as the week progresses).

And on a more practical note: I'm *hopefully* moving in February. Less stuff = easier move.

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