
July 25, 2013


Yes, you read correctly. Your computer isn't missing anything there's no problem with my blog. There just aren't entries for days 5-7.

I failed and a half and I also took almost an entire week to write the "FINISHED" blog. Sorry about that.

I gave up because I was frustrated. There was so that I wanted to say, but I just couldn't say it.  Not speaking English definitely cut down on my snarking, though. Doing it in Korean or Japanese just wouldn't work because 1) I'm in South Korea and 2) a lot of people here know basic Japanese. So I was kinder this week, if for not reason other than forced omission.

I did miss my TV shows and my music and my video games, but the week made me realize how much English I really use and how much harder I could be pushing myself. My TV programs are in English, my music is in English, my video games are in English and with the exception of textbooks and the Korean book I purchased last week, all of my books are in English (not that I read them. hahaha)

The first day was probably the roughest. I went to watch TV and couldn't watch the series I had because even though it was in Japanese, the subtitles were in English. I had a hard time falling asleep because the series that I fall asleep to, while originally Japanese, had be re-dubbed in English.

Ah, music. I like more foreign music than I thought. Let's see, I have: Swedish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Mexican), Spanish (Colombian) and German. What can I say? I like what I like...There was also a lot of electronic and house that just didn't have lyrics. My favorite workout songs where a no-go, though. But I still had about 5 hours of Japanese Rhythm Game music to go off of.

It was irritating. But I got through it.  I found a few new way-interesting TV programs, as well. Sure, they come on at about 3~4 am, but they're still interesting.

My listening honestly got a bit better during the week, though I did still do some Mystery Science Theater-ing when I was totally lost. And I'm super thankful that many Korean programs have subtitles in Korean...

But yeah, I quit. The week was a bust. My test wasn't so hard.
I was at the gym on Friday night (because I'm that kind of awesome). I kept looking at the clock on the wall, and when it finally said 12:00, I switched it to the first English song in the was the ever-classy 3OH!3...

Words, I missed you!

July 19, 2013

No Hablo Inglés, Day 4

정말 실망이야! 난 죽을거야

난 정말이 싫어!

내가 말할 수있는 물건을 가지고 있지만 말할 수 없다!

응. 이런 것 처럼.

July 17, 2013

No Hablo Inglés, Day 3

늦게서, 미안해.

요즘 난 쓰는것을 싫어해. 한국어 능록 시험 때문에 머리와 가슴이 아파.

아침에 안 좋은 소식을 받았어. 받고 싶은 장학금이할 수 없어. 그것은 가을에 시하는 학기만 준다....난 범에 시작 한다. ㅠㅠ

 그리고, 남친은 사진 보냈다. 얘가 사진을 잘 찍는다. 난....아니야. 예쁜 사진을 보내고 싶은데...하지만 난 사진을 찍으면 사진에 외모가 아주 좋지않아. ㅠㅠ...


July 15, 2013

No Hablo Inglés, Day 2


昨日はほんと難しかった。 朝に朝御飯を沢山食べましたから腹は痛い増した。なぜ私はもう食べ物尾食べました。(賢い, ね。。。)

コーヒーショップで韓国語の勉強しました。それはほんとに詰まんないった。 わたしはコーヒーを好きじゃないからコーヒーを飲みませんでした。でも、苺の飲み物を飲みました。味はまあまあでした。その喫茶店は広くと静かから勉強は一生懸命に事が出来ました



彼はほんと、良い人です。一緒に は。。。。。良いです。私たちはいつもおもしろい話をいいって。
もしかすると彼は全州へ来ます  ^_^



July 14, 2013

No Hablo Inglés, Day 1

Directions for the week:
Copy the link or the text into Google Translate. Be careful not to hurt yourself trying to understand what I'm ACTUALLY saying, because half the time. I don't even know, so Google Translate definitely won't know. Nor is it known for the ability to perform accurate translations, which is why I tell my students not to use it. 

오늘은 제 7주 이다.
한국말로 쓰기 하는것은 진짜 진짜 복잡하다.

이번주에 난 작아서 쓸거야.  난 다음주 일요일 아침에 한국어능력 시험을 볼게. 공부를 아무리  열심히도라도 기분이 안좋아. 그냥...나쁜기분이야. 

아침 9시. 나는 마자 깨어나 좌절되었다. 나는 일본어 영화랑 애니매이션을 많이 있지만 자막은 영어로 써서 볼 수 없어.

*@#$%&@#$%*@$*@#$% (이것은 internationally recognized frustration  이다)

아아아아! 진짜! 실망해!  죽겠다!

 포기를 절대 안해! (히히히 < 거지말)

난 오늘 뭐 했어? 음식을 먹었고 운동 했고 쇼핑을 했고 잠을 잤고 음식을 다시 먹었고. 남자친구랑 얘기를 했고 공부를 했고....끝.

내일은 일본어...
가슴이 아파....아 진짜! 왜 이렇게 복잡해?!

July 12, 2013

Week 7...No Hablo Inglés

Yes, you read correctly. "I don't speak English"

Here's the Deal
I'm starting on Saturday morning. From then until Saturday of next week, I'll be doing everything I can to avoid speaking English. It's a full on immersion project. The plan is that I won't use English outside of work or communication with non-non-English speakers (I know that's grammatically incorrect, but I do so love to use hyphens whenever I can).

Say What?!
Yes, yes, yes. You'd think it wouldn't be so hard, since I live in a country where English is not the most commonly spoken language (South Korea), but it actually is. There are people that live here quite decently without knowing a word of the stuff, so I'd like to see just how far I can get ONLY using Korean (I'll be writing in Japanese and Spanish as well, because I'm far from where I definitely lack the depth of language required for adequate blogging in Korean...).

Because, really? I have a test coming next Sunday and can use all the Korean/non-English I can get before then. But actually, I want to test myself and just see if I can do it. It'll be much more of a challenge because it's not just the things that I'll be saying, it'll also be my blog entries (along with a likely required translation), the music I listen to, and the TV I watch. I've fallen into the habit of only whipping out Korean when I come across someone who can't speak English or doesn't want to. For myself, with the things that I'm about to attempt in mind, that's not nearly enough. I can lecture a class of kids, argue with a drunk, and get through a doctor's visit, but can I carry on an actual academic conversation? Or watch TV and enjoy it without playing Mystery Science Theater? Therein lies the challenge. I can get through Crayon Chin Chan and SpongeBob, but only because I'd already seen the episodes in English.

I'll let you on in a not so little secret: I like learning different languages. Here's another one: I like to be able to use them, just knowing them from a book is a waste. If all goes as planned, I will NEED to be able to use my Korean.

Notice the LACK of English...
With that said, my posts this week will be short grammatical nightmares. So, I'm sorry in advance, and I hope you get a kick of my attempts.