
March 20, 2013

Vegan, Day 3

So about all that self-control and not eating and saying I'd already eaten (which I did). FAIL. I didn't go for it on my own, I really didn't. But as soon as I sat down, my friend's husband prepared food porn-worthy samgyeopsal covered in pepper paste and stuck it in my hand. No way was that going to waste.  So I ate it. And then I ate some more, just to be polite.

YOU FAILURE!!!! HOW COULD YOU?!?!...I know I know, I'm a traitor to the "cause" and veganism and blah blah blah. I thought about extending it an extra day, but decided against it. I'm doing this for myself, not for anyone else. Yes, I ate meat, yes it was freaking amazing, yes I ate kimchi (which was made with salted shrimp) and even had a lollipop this morning (which contains gelatin). Big deal.

I wish I could have done it, but ah well. I can still save the rest of the week.

Today has been an off day, anyways. I woke up around 2am and spent the next 5 hours feeling like a warm squishy balloon full of tapioca (I love tapioca, by the way, but I don't love feeling like a balloon full of it) (NOT a good feeling). One nice long bathroom floor nap later and all was *almost* right with the world. Except that I didn't go to the gym. Or eat breakfast. Or watch TV. I just laid in bed, existing next to the furry ball of demon that is my friend's beagle, hoping the squishy balloon feeling wouldn't come back.

I've already noticed that I'm saving money, just because I can't really grab instant food before work. Shrimp chips, stuffed bread, chicken on a stick, candy bars, triangle rice rolls, fish cakes, potato chips, dried squid....things I don't need but routinely grab before work just so I have something to chew on...

I'll admit that I'm also already bored. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on this, but pasta and chili can only go so far. Maybe I'll buy some mushrooms tonight and fry them up with onions and tofu...I miss the chewing that meat requires...

Dinner at work...We don't usually get the roasted fish *sadness*

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