
April 9, 2013

April...what to do, what to do...

So my last two posts were way out in space cadet left field. Enough of that. Back to the standard programming.

I'm going to try to get April's week over quickly. I've typically waited until the last week when I realize that "crap, it's almost next month!". Not so much, this month.

What have I decided? Hahaha...I'm gonna go sans-pants for a week.

No! No! No! No! It doesn't mean that I'm going to walk around in just a shirt for 7 days (are you CRAZY?!). I'll be wearing a skirt or dress every day for a week. I'm sure I could wait until May, but then it'll be too warm and I won't wanna. Besides, as the weather gets nicer, I'd rather wear jeans, because I can ride my bike. Most (all) of the skirts (3) that I own are not bike-friendly....haha

I'll take a picture every day. Really...and I know it's gonna be really weird for me. Heck, I already have two classes of girls wondering if I even OWN a skirt, on account of the fact that they've never seen me in one. Needless to say, some minds will be blown when I show up in one for a week straight.

I don't like the idea of it, but the only other option I've got at the moment is far less appealing. haha.

A friend suggested that I wear  red lipstick every day.Yeah, hahahahaha NO. I don't own lipstick for a reason. With that said, I'm not going to go out and buy (or worse, BORROW) a tube of facepaint for 7 days' wear.

This weekend I'll be going to Seoul, so a dress is absolutely out of the question, but starting 12 am on Monday, the only thing I'll wear out of the house (except for at the gym and the associated 30-second commute) is a dress or skirt.

Jeans, I love you. Even if you do like to tear at just the wrong time....

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